University of Hohenheim, Institute of Biology (190)


Dept. of Molecular Botany (190a) — Prof. Dr. Anke Steppuhn

Garbenstr. 30
D - 70599 Stuttgart

person profile in HohCampus

BIO II, laboratory building, 1st floor, room 02.32/155
Tel. +49 711 459-22194
E-Mail: anke.steppuhn◎uni-hohenheim‸de

Office hours for students by appointment at the secretariat


Sekretariat  —  Christiane Feuerstein
     Office hours: Mon, Tue, Thu  09:00-13:00 h
     WFH:  Wed, Fri  09:00-13:00 h
BIO II, laboratory building, 1st floor, room 02.32/154
Tel.: +49 711 459-23594
E-Mail: admin190a◎ 


Study matters:  Mirjam M. Weiß