Molecular Botany - Projects


Exploring the genetic basis of wound nectar secretion in Solanum dulcamara

DFG Project
Involved researchers: Anke Steppuhn, Tobias Lortzing, Lu Li

Roles of constitutive and induced chemodiversity in Solanum dulcamara in plant-herbivore interactions

Subproject in the DFG Research Group FOR 3000: Ecology and evolution of intraspecific chemodiversity of plants (speaker: Caroline Müller, Universität Bielefeld)
Involved researcher: Anke Steppuhn, Kruthika Sen Aragam

Plant priming of anti-herbivore defences by insect oviposition

project in der DFG Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 973: Priming and memory of organismic responses to stress (speaker: Monika Hilker, Freie Universität Berlin)
Involved researchers: Anke Steppuhn, Tina Kasal-Slavik and Rainer Cramer

How do zoophytophagous predators affect plant resistance against different insect herbivores?

in cooperation with Nicole van Dam (iDIV Leipzig, Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena) and Maria Pappa (Democritus University of Thrace)
Involved researcher: Anke Steppuhn

Effects of plant anti-herbivore defences on the immunity of herbivorous insects against entomopathogenes

Involved researcher: Anke Steppuhn

Beneficial microbes to optimize pest control in sustainable tomato production

Cooperation partner in the project BeMOST of Maria Pappa (Democritus University of Thrace)
Involved researcher: Anke Steppuhn and Tobias Lortzing.