Publications: Prof. Dr. Andrea Kruse
Title | Year | Literature Type | Authors |
Biobased electrode materials energy storage technologies (electrochemical double-layer capacitors) | 2018 | Lecture | Viola Hoffmann, Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Andrea Kruse |
Biobased electrode materials for sustainable energy storage Technologies in the electromobility sector | 2018 | Lecture | Viola Hoffmann, Andrea Kruse |
Biobased Functional Carbon Materials: Production, Charaterization, and Applications-A Review
Materials |
2018 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Andrea Kruse |
Biobasierte Kohlenstoffmaterialien für die E-Mobilität | 2018 | Lecture | Viola Hoffmann, Catalina C. Rodriguez, Muhammad Jamal Alhnidi, Andrea Kruse |
Carbonaceous materials from lignocellulosic biomass under hydrothermal conditions | 2018 | Lecture | D. Wüst, D. Jung, M. Lucian, A. Kruse, L. Fiori |
Comparison between Pyrolysis and Hydrothermal Carbonization of Biomass | 2018 | Poster | C. Rodriguez Correa, T. Hehr, Y. Rauscher, A. Voglhuber, A. Kruse |
Direct liquefaction of lignin and lignin rich biomasses by heterogenic catalytic hydrogenolysis
Biomass and Bioenergy |
2018 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Marcus Breunig, Philipp Gebhart, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Eckhard Dinjus |
Einblicke in Kinetik und Mechanismus der hydrothermalen Konversion von Fructose | 2018 | Poster | P. Körner, A. Kruse |
Elimination of micropollutants by activated carbon produced from fibers taken from wastewater Screenings using hydrothermal carbonization
Journal of Environmental Management |
2018 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | F. Benstoem, G. Becker, J. Firk, M. Kaless, D. Wüst, J. Pinnekamp, A. Kruse |
Fertilizer and activated carbon production by hydrothermal carbonization of digestate
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery |
2018 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | X. Zhao, G. C. Becker, N. Faweya, C. Rodriguez Correa, S. Yang, X. Xie |
Formation of n-containing heterocycles from hydrothermal liquefaction of model compounds and sewage sludge | 2018 | Contribution to conference | Y. Fan, U. Hornung, N. Dahmen, A. Kruse |
From the field to industrial product: Platform chemicals and materials from biomass | 2018 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse, Dominik Wüst, David Steinbach, Paul Körner, Dennis Jung, Gero Becker |
HTC zur Herstellung biobasierter Elektrodenmaterialien für die Elektromobilität | 2018 | Lecture | Viola Hoffmann, Dr. Catalina Rodriguez, Prof. Dr. Andrea Kruse |
Hydrothermal biomass conversion: Quo vadis?
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids |
2018 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Andrea Kruse, Nicolaus Dahmen |
Hydrothermal Carbonization Brewer`s Spent Grains with the Focus on Improving the Degradation of the Feedstock
Energies |
2018 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Pablo J. Arauzo, Maciej P. Olszewski, Andrea Kruse |
Hydrothermal Carbonization Evaluation to Produce Activated Carbons from Biogas Digestate | 2018 | Poster | Catallina Correa, Maria Bernardo, Rui P.P.L. Ribeiro, Isabel A.A.C. Esteves, Andrea Kruse |
Hydrothermal carbonization of fructose: growth mechanism and kinetic model
Sustainable Chemistry&Engineering |
2018 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Dennis Jung, Michael Zimmermann, Andrea Kruse |
Hydrothermal Conversion of Starchy Residues | 2018 | Lecture | D. Wüst, M. Götz, A. Kruse |
Hydrothermal liquefaction of protein-containing biomass: study of model compounds for Maillard reactions
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery |
2018 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Y. Fan, U. Hornung, N. Dahmen, A. Kruse |
Hydrothermal Process for Extracting Phosphate from Animal Manure | 2018 | Book chapter | Huanhuan Li, Xueli Zhao, Tao Zhang, Andrea Kruse |
Hydrothermale Carbonisierung als Verfahren zum P-Recycling aus Klärschlamm | 2018 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse, Gero Becker |
Hydrothermale Karbonisierung von Fructose | 2018 | Poster | Dennis Jung, Andrea Kruse |
Hydroxymethylfurfural and advanced carbon materials: Two sides of the same coin | 2018 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse, Dominik Wüst, David Steinbach, Paul Körner, Dennis Jung, Gero Becker |
Integral energy valorization of minicipal solid waste reject fraction to biofuels
Energy Conversion ans Management |
2018 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | F. J. Gutierrez Ortiz, A. Kruse, F. Ramos, P. Ollero |
Kinetische und mechanistische Untersuchungen zur Gewinnung von 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) aus Hexosen unter hydrothermalen Bedingungen | 2018 | Lecture | P. Körner, D. Jung, A. Kruse |
Materialien für die Hydrothermale Umwandlung von Biomasse | 2018 | Lecture | N. Dahmen, A. Kruse |
Microwave digestion-assisted HFO/biochar adsorption to recover phosphorus from swine manure
Science of the Total Environment |
2018 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Tao Zhang, Haoyu Xu, Huanhuan Li, Xinyue He, Yuanji Shi, Andrea Kruse |
Nutrient Alteration in sewage sludge by hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) | 2018 | Poster | Gero C. Becker, Ekaterina Ovsyannikova, Yujie Fan, Julia Keller, Andrea Kruse |
One stage olive mill waste streams valorisation via hydrothermal carbonisation
Waste Management |
2018 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | M. Volpe, D. Wüst, F. Merzari, M. Lucian, G. Andreottola, A. Kruse, L. Fiori |
Polyethylene imine modified hydrochar Adsorption for chromium (VI) and nickel (II) removal from aqueous solution
Bioresource Technology |
2018 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Yuanji Shi, Tao Zhang, Hongqiang Ren, Andrea Kruse, Ruofan Cui |
Properties of Hydrochar as Function of Feedstock, Reaction Conditions and Post-Treatment
Energies |
2018 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Andrea Kruse, Thomas A. Zevaco |
Pyrolysis kinetics of hydrochars produced from brewer`s spent grains | 2018 | Poster | M. P. Olszewski, P. A. Arauzo, C. Rodriguez Correa, A. Kruse |
Study of the electrical conductivity of biobased carbonaceous powder materials under moderate pressure for the application as electrode materials in energy storage technologies
GCB Bioenergy |
2018 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Viola Hoffmann, Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Dennis Sautter, Emilio Maringolo, Andrea Kruse |
Sucrose Is a Promising Feedstock for the Synthesis of the Platform Chemical Hydroxymethylfurfural
Energies |
2018 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | David Steinbach, Andrea Kruse, Jörg Sauer, Philipp Vetter |
Supercritical water gasification of biomass for hydrogen production - Review
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids |
2018 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Andrea Kruse |
The effect of different Bronsted acids on the hydrothermal conversion of fructose to HMF
Green Chemistry |
2018 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Paul Körner, Dennis Jung, Andrea Kruse |
The fate of Nitrogen during Catalytic Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Sewage Sludge | 2018 | Poster | Y. Fan, U. Hornung, N. Dahmen, A. Kruse |
Treatment of protein lignocellulosic feedstock by hydrothermal carbonization | 2018 | Poster | P. J. Arauzo, M. P. Olszewski, A. Kruse |
Understanding the Effects of Biomass Composition and Hydrothermal Carbonization on the Textural Properties and Adsorption Capacity of Activated Carbon | 2018 | Lecture | C. Rodriguez Correa, A. Kruse |
Verfahren zur Herstellung von Aktivkohle EP 2 982 649 B1 | 2018 | Patent | Jan Vyskocil, Olga Sahin, Mei Yubn Lai, Andrea Kruse |
Application of Algae as Cosubstrate to Enhance the Processability of Willow Wood for Continuous Hydrothermal Liquefaction
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research |
2017 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Iulia M. Sintamarean, Thomas H. Pedersen, Xueli Zhao, Andrea Kruse, Lasse A. Rosendahl |
Carbonization in water: A contradiction? | 2017 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
Characterization of Products from Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC) of Biogas Digestate | 2017 | Poster | Zebin Cao, Githa Ravikumar, Na Zhang, Bora Lee, Andrea Kruse |
Development of bio-based electrode materials for supercapacitors | 2017 | Poster | Viola Hoffmann, Andrea Sandoval, Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Andrea Kruse |
Effects of different biofilm carriers on biogas production during anaerobic digestion of corn straw
Bioresource Technology |
2017 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Yongdi Liu, Yingdong Zhu, Honghua Jia, Xiaoyu Yong, Lijuan Zhang, Jun Zhou, Zebin Cao, Andrea Kruse, Ping Wei |
Erschließung von Inulin aus Inulin-speichernden Pflanzen zur Herstellung von Plattformchemikalien | 2017 | Lecture | Dominik Wüst, Markus Götz, Judit Pfenning, Andrea Kruse |
Evaluation of Arrhenius-type overall kinetic equations for hydrothermal carbonization
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis |
2017 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | D. Jung, A. Kruse |
Evaluation of hydrothermal carbonization as a preliminary step for the production of functional material from Biogas digestate
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis |
2017 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Maria Bernardo, Riu P.P.L. Ribeiro, Isabel A.A.C. Esteves, Andrea Kruse |
Exploitation of Inulin-type Fructans (ItF) from Chicory Roots for the Production of Platform Chemicals | 2017 | Lecture | Dominik Wüst; Markus Götz, Judit Pfenning, Andrea Kruse, Luca Fiori |
Exploring Pyrolysis and Hydrothermal Carbonization to Produce Porous Carbons for Hydrogen Storage | 2017 | Lecture | Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Andrea Kruse |
Herstellung von Biomassekarbonisaten | 2017 | Book chapter | Simone Heger, Andrea Kruse, Peter Quicker, Dennis Blöhse, Klaus Serfass, Marc Schulten, Saulo Seabra |
Herstellung von Nylon aus landwirtschaftlichen Reststoffen | 2017 | Poster | P. Körner, M. Götz, D. Wüst, A. Kruse |
HMF Production from Fructose in Acidic Aqueous Media | 2017 | Poster | P. Körner, A. Kruse |
Hochleistungskohlenstoffe für die Elektromobilität aus Biomasse | 2017 | Lecture | Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Viola Hoffmann, Andrea Kruse |
Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Lignin
Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology |
2017 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Julia Schuler, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Nicolaus Dahmen, Jörg Sauer |
Hydrothermale Karbonisierung - Nährstoffrückgewinnung aus der Kohle | 2017 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
Influence of the biomass components on the pore formation of activated carbon
Biomass and Bioenergy |
2017 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Thomas Otto, Andrea Kruse |
Influence of the Carbonization Process on Activated Carbon Properties from Lignin and Lignin-Rich Biomasses
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering |
2017 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Moritz Stollovsky, Tobias Hehr, Yannik Rauscher, Birgit Rolli, Andrea Kruse |
Investigation of the textural and adsorption properties of activated carbon from HTC and pyrolysis carbonizates
Biomass Conversion of Biorefinery |
2017 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Chatri Ngamying, Dietmar Klank, Andrea Kruse |
Pflanzenverfügbares Phosphat nach Hydrothermaler Karbonisierung von Klärschlamm | 2017 | Lecture | Gero C. Becker, Andrea Kruse |
Pretreatment technologies of lignocellulosic biomass in water in view of furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural production- A review
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery |
2017 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | David Steinbach, Andrea Kruse, Jörg Sauer |
Socio-economic assessment including feedstock supply and marketability concept of HTC/HTL-Products
European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE) |
2017 | Contribution to conference | Kay Suwelack, Andrea Kruse, Nicolaus Dahmen |
Study of Biogas Digestates from Different Plants for the Production of Microporous Activated Carbons | 2017 | Lecture | Yvonne Ringelspacher, Catalina Rodriguez, Andrea Kruse |
Supercritical Water Gasification of Biomass in a Ceramic Reactor: Long-Time Batch Experiments
Energies |
2017 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Daniele Castello, Birgit Rolli, Andrea Kruse, Luca Fiori |
Thermochemische Prozesse zur Herstellung von Biomassekarbonisaten | 2017 | Book chapter | Peter Quicker, Andrea Kruse, Kathrin Weber, Dennis Blöhse |
5-Hydroxymethylfurfural aus landwirtschaftlichen und Lebensmittel-Abfällen | 2016 | Poster | D. Wüst, M. Götz, P. Körner, D. Steinbach, A. Kruse |
Assessment of the Technical Feasibility of Activated Carbon Production from Hydrochar | 2016 | Poster | Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Kay Uwe Suwelack, Isabel A. A. C. Esteves, Andrea Kruse |
Biorefinery of Microalgae via HTL - A Techo-Economic Assessment | 2016 | Lecture | Diego Lopez Barreiro, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Frederic Ronsse, Wolter Prins |
Characterization of Activated Carbons Obtained from Different Bamboo Residue Carbonizates | 2016 | Poster | C.Ngamying, C. Rodriguez Correa, A. Kruse |
Die Rolle des Wassers bei hydrothermalen Biomasseumwandlungen | 2016 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
Economics of hydrothermal carbonization of biogas digestate in a hybrid AD-HTC plant | 2016 | Contribution to conference | Kay Suwelack, Nadim Dostert, Dominik Wüst, Andrea Kruse |
Experimental study of the influence of the carbonization process for the production of activated carbon from lignin
RRB - 12, Renewable Resources & Biorefineries |
2016 | Lecture | Catalina Rodriguez Correa, M. Stollovsky, A. Kruse |
Exploitation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural from Vegetable Waste Material - Inulin-type Fructans from Chicory Roots as Sources for the Chemical Industry | 2016 | Lecture | Dominik Wüst, Judit Pfenning, Andrea Kruse |
Exploitation of Inulin-type Fructans (ItF) from Chicory Roots for the Production of Platform Chemicals | 2016 | Lecture | Dominik Wüst, Markus Götz, Andrea Kruse, Judit Pfenning |
Fate of Nitrogen during Hydrothermal Carbonization
Energy and Fuels |
2016 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Andrea Kruse, Florian Koch, Katharina Stelzl, Dominik Wüst, Meret Zeller |
Herstellung einer Plattformchemikalie aus Lebensmittel-Nebenprodukten- wie aus der Chicoree-Rübe Nylonstrümpfe werden | 2016 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
Heterogeneous catalytic upgrading of biocrude oil produced by hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae: State of the art and own experiments
Fuel Processing Technology |
2016 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Diego Lopez Barreiro, Blanca Rios Gomez, Frederik Ronsse, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Wolter Prins |
Hydrothermal Carbonisation: Process and Products | 2016 | Poster | Andrea Kruse, Monika Kirchherr |
Hydrothermal carbonization of wheat straw-prediction of product mass yields and degree of carbonization by severity parameter
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery |
2016 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Kay Suwelack, Dominik Wüst, Meret Zeller, Andrea Kruse, Johannes Krümpel |
Hydrothermal conversion of biomass to platform chemicals and material | 2016 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
Hydrothermal conversion of biomass to platform chemicals and material | 2016 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
Hydrothermal Conversion of rapeseed oil for biofuel production | 2016 | Poster | Leonardo Interrante, Benedetto Schiavo, Onofrio Scialdone, Alessandro Galia, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse |
Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Algae
RBB - 12, Renewable Resources & Biorefineries |
2016 | Lecture | D. Lopez-Barreiro, Frederik Ronsse, U. Hornung, W. Brilman, A. Kruse, W. Prins |
Hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae and subsequent heterogeneous catalytic upgrading of biocrude oil | 2016 | Lecture | Diego Lopez Barreiro, Frederik Ronsse, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Wolter Prins |
Hydrothermale Umwandlung mit Kreislaufführung | 2016 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
Hydrothermale Verfahren zur Verflüssigung von Biomasse | 2016 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
Hydroxymethylfurfural, a "new" platform chemical from biomass | 2016 | Poster | D. Wüst, P. Körner, D. Steinbach, A. Kruse |
Konversionsverfahren für biogene Abfälle | 2016 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
Method for the production of high quality activated carbons and activated carbons produced using the method | 2016 | Patent | Vyskocil Jan, Sahin Olga, Lai Mei Yun, Kruse Andrea |
Neuartige Verwertung von Altbackwaren; DE 10 2016 111 673 A1 | 2016 | Patent | Siegel, Klaus; Rodriguez Correa, Catalina; Kruse, Andrea |
Oil also from Carbohydrates: Hydrothermal liquifaction in an algae biorefinery | 2016 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
P-Recycling aus Klärschlamm | 2016 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
Phosphat-Fraktionierung nach SMT-Protokoll - Klärschlamm und dessen Karbonisate aus HTC und Pyrolyse | 2016 | Poster | Gero C. Becker, Axel Funke, Nancy Anton, Maria Wunderlich, Andrea Kruse |
Phosphate recovery for sewage sludge via hydrothermal carbonisation
RBB - 12, Renewable Resources & Biorefineries |
2016 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse, Gero C. Becker |
Phosphate recovery for sewage sludge via hydrothermal carbonisation | 2016 | Poster | Andrea Kruse, Gero Becker |
Phosphorrückgewinnung via hydrothermaler Carbonisierung (HTC) | 2016 | Lecture | G. C. Becker, A. Kruse |
Phosphorrückgewinnung via hydrothermaler Carbonisierung (HTC) | 2016 | Poster | G. C. Becker, A. Kruse |
Phosphorus reclamation - Conversion of sewage sludge to fuel and fertilizer | 2016 | Lecture | Gero C. Becker, Andrea Kruse |
Prediction of gaseous, liquid and solid mass yields from hydrothermal carbonization of biogas digestate by severity parameter
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery |
2016 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Kay Uwe Suwelack, Dominik Wüst, Philipp Fleischmann, Andrea Kruse |
Preparation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) from Chicory-Inulin - Optimization of Operation conditions | 2016 | Lecture | Markus Götz, Dominik Wüst, Andrea Kruse |
Process design and economics of an aluminium chloride catalysed organosolv process
Biomass Conversion Biorefinery |
2016 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Martin Schwiderski, Andrea Kruse |
Process for the production of high-Quality activated carbons as well as activated carbons produced according to the process | 2016 | Patent | Jan Vyskocil, Olga Sahin, Mei Yun Lai, Andrea Kruse |
Supercritical water Gasification for Biomass-based Hydrogen Production | 2016 | Book chapter | Andrea Kruse |
Wastewater Treatment - Adsorption of organic micropollutants on activated HTC-carbon derived from sewage sludge
Water Science and Technology |
2016 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Kirschhöfer, F., Sahin, O., Becker, G.C., Meffert, F., Nusser, M., Anderer, G., Kusche, S., Klaeusli, T., Kruse, A., Brenner-Weiss, G. |
Wie aus Biomasse Dünger wird: Klärschlammkohle als Quelle für Phosphat | 2016 | Journal contribution | Gero C. Becker, Andrea Kruse |
Aluminiumchlorid-katalysierter Organosolv-Aufschluss von Buchenholz | 2015 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Martin Schwiderski, Andrea Kruse |
Basischemikalien und Energieträger aus "nasser" Biomasse aus der Lebensmittelindustrie | 2015 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
Catalytic effect of aluminium chloride on the example of the conversion of sugar model compounds
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical |
2015 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Martin Schwiderski, Andrea Kruse |
Cultivation of microalgae with recovered nutrients after hydrothermal liquefaction
Algal Research |
2015 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Diego Lopez Barreiro, Manuel Bauer, Ursel Hornung, Clemens Posten, Andrea Kruse, Wolter Prins |
Der Einfluss von Biochar bei der Kompostierung | 2015 | Poster | Wüst, D; Munder, S; Kruse, A |
Development of continuous HTL processing for algae-based Biorefineries | 2015 | Poster | Diego Lopez Barreiro, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Wolter Prins |
Development of continuous HTL processing for algae-based biorefineries | 2015 | Lecture | Diego Lopez Barreiro, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Wolter Prins |
Economics of decentralized hydrothermal carbonization of biogas digestate: A casy study from Germany | 2015 | Lecture | K. Suwelack, D. Wüst, A. Kruse |
Exploitation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) from Vegetable Waste Material - Chicory Roots | 2015 | Poster | Dominik Wüst, Judit Pfenning, Andrea Kruse |
Gasification of sugarcane bagasse in supercritical water; evaluation of alkali catalysts for maximum hydrogen production | 2015 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Mohammad Javad Sheikhdavoodi, Morteza Almassi, Mohammadali Ebrahimi-Nik, Andrea Kruse, Houshang Bahrami |
HTP-Produkte als Funktionskohlenstoff
2015 | Journal contribution | Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Andrea Kruse |
Hydrothermal Carbonization of Biomass
Recent Advances in thermochemical Conversion of biomass |
2015 | Book chapter | Maria Magdalena Titirici, Axel Funke, Andrea Kruse |
Hydrothermal liquefaction and carbonization for fuels and materials | 2015 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Microalgae in a Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor
engery&fuels |
2015 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Diego Lopez Barreiro, Blanca Rios Gomez, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, and Wolter Prins |
Hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae: Effect on the product yields of the addition of an organic solvent to separate the aqueous phase and the biocrude oil
Algal Research |
2015 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Diego Lopez Barreiro, Sascha Riede, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Wolter Prins |
Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Protein-Extracted Algae: A promising Biorefinery Route | 2015 | Lecture | Diego Lopez Barreiro, Francisco Garcia Cuarda, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, F.Gabriel Acien Fernandez, Wolter Prins |
Hydrothermale Karbonisierung 4. Thermische Eigenschaften der Produkte
Chemie Ingenieur Technik |
2015 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Andrea Kruse, Monika Kirchherr, Stefanie Gaag, Thomas A.Zevaco |
Hydrothermale Karbonisierung: 3. Kinetisches Modell
Chemie Ingenieur Technik |
2015 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Andrea Kruse, Robert Grandl |
Influence of the oil-water separation procedure in the biocrude oil yields from hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae | 2015 | Poster | D.López Barreiro, S. Riede, U. Hornung, A. Kruse, W. Prins |
Low temperature supercritical water gasification of biomass constituents: Glucose/phenol mixtures
Biomass and Bioenergy |
2015 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Daniele Castello, Andrea Kruse, Luca Fiori |
Nutrient recycling in a hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) based algae biorefinery | 2015 | Lecture | D.López Barreiro, M. Bauer, U. Hornung, A. Kruse, C. Posten, W. Prins |
Phosphat-Dünger und Kohle aus Klärschlamm
2015 | Journal contribution | Gero C. Becker, Andrea Kruse |
Preparation of activated carbon from hydrothermal carbonized bark | 2015 | Lecture | M. Götz, A. Voglhuber-Slavinsky, D. Wüst, O. Sahin, A. Kruse |
Process developments for a continious HTL-based algae biorefinery | 2015 | Lecture | D.López Barreiro, U. Hornung, A. Kruse, F. Ronsse, W. Prins |
Putting the "hydro" in hydrothermal - chemistry of hot water and its influence on process efficiency of hydrothermal carbonization | 2015 | Lecture | A. Funke, T. Schäfer, A. Kruse |
Recycling nutrients in the aqueous by-product from algae Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) for fresh algae cultivation | 2015 | Poster | Diego Lopez Barreiro, Manuel Bauer, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Clemens Posten, Wolter Prins |
Suitability of hydrothermal liquefaction as a conversion route to produce biofuels from macroalgae
Algal Research |
2015 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Diego Lopez Barreiro, Mario Beck, Ursel Hornung, Frederik Ronsse, Andrea Kruse, Wolter Prins |
Wasser- Eine magische Zutat
2015 | Journal contribution | Andrea Kruse |
Water- A magic solvent for biomass conversion
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids |
2015 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Andrea Kruse, Nicolaus Dahmen |
5-HMF aus Inulinpflanzen und Lignocellulosen | 2014 | Lecture | David Steinbach, Dominik Wüst, Andrea Kruse |
5-Hydroxymethylfurfural aus Lignocellulose- und Inulin-haltigen nachwachsenden Rohstoffen | 2014 | Poster | D. Steinbach, P. Hespeler, A. Kruse, K. Mac Pherson, J. Sauer |
Aluminiumchlorid katalysierter Organosolv- Aufschluss von Buchenholz | 2014 | Poster | M.Schwiderski, A. Kruse |
Assessing microalgae biorefinery routes for the production of biofuels via hydrothermal liquefaction
Bioresource Technology |
2014 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Diego Lopez Barreiro, Chiara Samori, Guiseppe Terranella, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Wolter Prins |
Assessment of pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization production of corn and olive biomass residue | 2014 | Poster | Karaj, S; Wüst, D; Kruse, A; Müller, J |
Chemical energy carriers by hydrothermal conversion of biomass | 2014 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
Comparison of the influence of a Lewis acid AlCl3 and a Brønsted acid HCL on the organosolv pulping of beech wood
Green Chem |
2014 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Martin Schwiderski, Andrea Kruse, Robert Grandl, Dennis Dockendorf |
Gewinnung der Plattformchemikalie 5-hydroxymethylfurfural aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen | 2014 | Lecture | D. Steinbach, M. Schwiderski, A. Kruse |
Hydrochar amendment promotes microbial immobilization of mineral nitrogen
Journal Plant Nutrition Soil Science |
2014 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Inge Bargmann, Rainer Martens, Matthias C.Rillig, Andrea Kruse,Martin Kücke |
Hydrothermal Carbonization of Acrocomia Aculeata for the Production of Hydrochar and Activated Carbon | 2014 | Contribution to conference | C.Rodriguez Correa, A.Voglhuber, D. Oberländer, D. Haupenthal, A. Kruse |
Hydrothermal Liquefaction - Upgrading
Transformation of Biomass: Theory and Practice |
2014 | Book chapter | Hornung, Ursel; Kruse, Andrea; Akgül, Gökcen |
Initial and subsequent effects of hydrochar amendment on germination and nitrogen uptake of spring barley
Journal Plant Nutrition Soil Science |
2014 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Inge Bargmann, Matthias C. Rillig, Andrea Kruse, Jörg-Michael Greef, Martin Kücke |
Kinetic Modelling of Hydrothermal Lignin Depolymerisation
Waste Biomass Valor |
2014 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Daniel Forchheim, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Tatjana Sutter |
Kinetics of the AlCl3 catalyzed xylan hydrolysis during Methanosolv pulping of beech wood
Royal Society of Chemistry |
2014 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Martin Schwiderski, Andrea Kruse, Robert Grandl, Dennis Dockendorf |
Nährstoffrückführung bei der hydrothermalen Verflüssigung (HTL) von Mikroalgen | 2014 | Poster | Manuel Bauer, Diego Lopez Barreiro, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse |
Oligomerenbildung bei der hydrothermalen Ligninverflüssigung | 2014 | Lecture | Ursel Hornung, Daniel Beiser, Daniel Forchheim, Andrea Kruse |
Phytotoxic effects of phenolic substances in hydrothermal carbonized sewage sludge | 2014 | Poster | D. Jung, D. Wüst, A. Kruse |
Supercritical Water Gasification of Glucose/Phenol Mixtures as Model Compounds for Ligno-Cellulosic Biomass
Chemical Engineering Transactions |
2014 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Daniele Castello, Andrea Kruse, Luca Fiori |
Supercritical water gasification of glucose/phenol mixtures as model compounds for ligno-cellulosic biomass | 2014 | Lecture | D. Castello, A. Kruse, L. Fiori |
Supercritical water gasification of hydrochar
Chemical Engineering Research and Design |
2014 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Daniele Castello, Andrea Kruse, Luca Fiori |
Symbiosis: Anaerobic Digestion and Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC) | 2014 | Poster | D.Wüst, K.Suwelack, H. Flaig, A. Kruse |
Thermisches Verhalten von HTC-Kohle | 2014 | Lecture | Olga Sahin, Andrea Kruse, Monika Kirchherr |
Umwandlung von Biomasse in Energie - Entwicklungsstand und Potenziale | 2014 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
Wasser: Eine magische Zutat? Die Rolle des Wassers bei hydrothermalen Verfahren. | 2014 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
Wassergehalt als Reaktionsparameter bei Torrefizierung, vapothermaler und hydrothermaler Karbonisierung. Ein experimenteller Vergleich | 2014 | Lecture | A. Funke, A. Kruse |
Assessment of thermal processing of Maize waste biomass: New opportunities for exploitation as energy crop | 2013 | Poster | karaj, S; Wüst, D; Kruse, A; Müller, J |
Biomass gasification in supercritical and subcritical water: The effect of the reactor material
Chemical Engineering Journal |
2013 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Daniele Castello, Andrea Kruse, Luca Fiori |
Experimental comparison of hydrothermal and vapothermal carbonization
Fuel Processing Technology |
2013 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Axel Funke, Felix Reebs, Andrea Kruse |
Grüne Kohle aus Pflanzen - CO2-neutral und unerschöpflich | 2013 | Newspaper article | Andrea Kruse |
HTC-Prozesswasser: Verwertung oder Entsorgung? | 2013 | Contribution to conference | Andrea Kruse, Dominik Wüst, Wolfram Buss, Monika Kirchherr, Katharina Stelzl |
Hydrochar and Biochar Effects on Germination of Spring Barley
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science |
2013 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | I.Bargmann, M.C.Rillig, W.Buss, A.Kruse& M. Kuecke |
Hydrothermal conversion of biomass to fuels and energetic materials
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology |
2013 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Andrea Kruse, Axel Funke, Maria-Magdalena Titirici |
Hydrothermal disproportionation of formaldehyde at subcritical conditions
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids |
2013 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Gökcen Akgül, Andrea Kruse |
Hydrothermale Karbonisierung - Stoffliche Verwertung von Prozesswasser oder Entsorgung | 2013 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
Properties and Degradability of Hydrothermal Carbonization Products
Journal of Environmental Quality |
2013 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Nina Eibisch, Mirjam Helfrich, Axel Don, Robert Mikutta, Andrea Kruse, Ruth Ellerbrock, Heinz Flessa |
Reaktionsmodelle für die hydrothermale und solvolytische Spaltung von Lignin | 2013 | Lecture | U. Hornung, D. Forchheim, A. Kruse |
Scale-Up in Hydrothermal Carbonization | 2013 | Book chapter | Andrea Kruse, Daniela Baris, Nicole Tröger, Peter Wieczorek |
Supercritical water gasification of hydrothermal char | 2013 | Contribution to conference | Daniele Castello, Andrea Kruse, Luca Fiori |
Supercritical water gasification of organic acids and alcohols: The effect of chain length
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids |
2013 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Anand G. Chakinala, Shushil Kumar, Andrea Kruse, Sascha R.A. Kersten, Wim P.M. van Swaaij, D.W.F. (Wim) Brilman |
The project bioboost - optimisation of biofuel production from residues and waste materials | 2013 | Lecture | A. Niebel, R. Stahl, A. Kruse |
The swelling and dissolution of cellulose crystallites in subcritical and supercritical water
Cellulose |
2013 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Lasse K. Tolonen, Paavo A. Penttilä, Ritva Serimaa, Andrea Kruse, Herbert Sixta |
Thermische und hydrothermale Verflüssigung von Lignin | 2013 | Lecture | A. Kruse |
Unterschiede und Parallelen der Reaktionsmodelle für die hydrothermale und solvolytische Spaltung von Lignin | 2013 | Lecture | U. Hornung, D. Forchheim, A. Kruse |
Verfahren zur Extraktion von Furfuralen aus Biomasse DE102011053034A1 | 2013 | Patent | Jan Vyskocil, Andrea Kruse |
Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Umsetzung von Biomasse in gasförmige Produkte, Patentblatt 2013/37 11.09.2013 EP 2138 555 B1, Nr. 2138555 | 2013 | Patent | Kruse Andrea, Dahmen Nicolaus, Zimmermann Jens,Pagel Matthias |
water - a "magic" tool to convert biomass | 2013 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
Biomass gasification in supercritical and subcritical water: kinetic tests with different reactor materials | 2012 | Lecture | D.Castello, A. Kruse, L. Fiori |
Biomass gasification in supercritical water | 2012 | Book chapter | A. Kruse, F. Vogel, J. Van Bennekom, R. Venderbosch |
Charakterisierung steam explodierter Lignine und Einfluss auf die basenkatalysiertedepolymerisation | 2012 | Lecture | M.Schwiderski, A. Kruse, D. Forchheim |
Charakterisierung von Ligninen nach der Steam Explosion | 2012 | Lecture | M.Schwiderski, A. Kruse |
Chemical energy carries from thermo-chemical conversion of biomass | 2012 | Lecture | N. Dahmen, N. Boukis, A. Kruse, K. Raffelt, R. Stahl |
Effect of Reaction Temperature and Type of Catalyst on Hydrogen Production in Supercritical Water Gasification of Biomass
Journal of Babol Noshirvani University of Technology |
2012 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Ebrahimi-Nik Mohammadali, Mohammad Javad Sheikhdavoodi, Morteza Almassi, Andrea Kruse, Houshang Bahrami |
High pressure in renewable energy processes. | 2012 | Book chapter | N. Dahmen, A. Kruse |
Hydrothermal conversion of biomass and different model compounds
Journal of Supercritical Fluids |
2012 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | A. Sinag, A. Kruse, P. Maniam |
Hydrothermal hydrogenation of catechol on a Raney-nickel catalyst | 2012 | Lecture | D. Forchheim, M. Nono, U. Hornung, A. Kruse |
Hydrothermale Karbonisierung (HTC) - Grundlagen | 2012 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
Hydrothermale Karbonisierung (HTC) und der Nährstoffkreislauf | 2012 | Lecture | O. Sahin, D. Wüst, A. Kruse |
Hydrothermale Karbonisierung: 2. Kinetik der Biertreber-Umwandlung
Chemie Ingenieur Technik |
2012 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | A. Kruse, F. Badoux, R. Grandl, D. Wüst |
Hydrothermale Spaltung von Lignin zur Herstellung von Phenolen | 2012 | Lecture | D. Forchheim, T. Sutter, U. Hornung, A. Kruse |
Hydrothermale Verflüssigung von Biomasse. Biomasse: Konversion zu hochwertigen chemischen Produkten | 2012 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |
Influence of RANEY nickel on the formation of intermediates in the degradation of lignin
International Journal of Chemical Engineering |
2012 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | U.Hornung, P. Kempe, A. Kruse, D. Steinbach |
Influence of salts on the subcritical water-gas shift reaction.
Journal of Supercritical Fluids |
2012 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | G.Akgül, A. Kruse |
Modeling the Lignin Degradation Kinetics in a Ethanol/Formic Acid Solvolysis Approach. Part 2. Validation and Transfer to Variable Conditions
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research |
2012 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | Daniel Forchheim, James R. Gasson, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse, Tanja Barth |
Modeling the lignin degradation kinetics in an ethanol/formic acid solvolysis approach. Part 1. Kinetc model development
Industrie and Engineering Chemistry Research |
2012 | Journal contribution (peer reviewed) | J.R.Gasson, D.Forchheim, T.Sutter, U. Hornung, A. Kruse, T. Barth |
Simple kinetic approaches for hydrothermal carbonization of biomass | 2012 | Lecture | A.Kruse, R.Grandl, D.Wüst, F.Badoux |
Sub- and supercritical water | 2012 | Book chapter | A. Kruse, E. Dinjus |
Supercritical water gasification | 2012 | Lecture | Andrea Kruse |