Molekulare Botanik
- Berauer B. J., Steppuhn A., Schweiger A. H. (2024): The multidimensionality of plant drought stress: The relative importance of edaphic and atmospheric drought. Plant Cell & Environment DOI: 10.1111/pce.15012
- Petrén H., Anaia R. A., Aragam K. S., Bräutigam A., Eckert S., Heinen R., Jakobs R., Ojeda-Prieto L., Popp M., Sasidharan R., Schnitzler J.-P., Steppuhn A., Thon F. M., Unsicker S. B., van Dam N. M., Weisser W. W., Wittmann M. J., Yepes S., Ziaja D., Müller C. & Junker, R. R. (2024): Understanding the chemodiversity of plants: Quantification, variation and ecological function. Ecological Monographs 94(4), Art. no. e1635. DOI: 10.1002/ecm.1635
- Schaller A., Li R., Haj Ahmad F., Fuglsang A., Steppuhn A. & Stintzi A. (2024): Poltergeist-Like 2 (PLL2)-dependent activation of the wound response distinguishes systemin from other immune signaling pathways. Research Square, 23p. DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-4919676/v1 [Preprint]
- Eckert S., Eilers E. J., Jakobs R., Anaia R.A., Aragam K.S., Bloss T., Popp M., Sasidharan R., Schnitzler J.-P., Stein F., Steppuhn A., Unsicker S. B., van Dam N. M., Yepes S. & Ziaja D., Müller, C. (2023): Inter-laboratory comparison of plant volatile analyses in the light of intra-specific chemodiversity. Metabolomics 19(7), Art. no. 62. DOI: 10.1007/s11306-023-02026-6
- Pokharel, P., Steppuhn, A., Petschenka, G. (2021): Dietary cardenolides enhance growth and change the direction of the fecundity-longevity trade-off in milkweed bugs (Heteroptera: Lygaeinae). Ecology and Evolution, Online first. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.8402
- Lortzing T., Kunze R., Steppuhn A., Hilker M., Lortzing V. (2020): Arabidopsis, tobacco, nightshade and elm take insect eggs as herbivore alarm and show similar transcriptomic alarm responses. Scientific Reports 10(1), Art.nr. 16281. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-72955-y
- Calf O. W., Lortzing T., Weinhold A., Poeschl Y., Peters J. L., Huber H., Steppuhn A. & van Dam N. M. (2020): Slug Feeding Triggers Dynamic Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Responses Leading to Induced Resistance in Solanum dulcamara. Front. Plant Sci. 11, Art.nr. 803. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00803
- Müller, C., Bräutigam, A., Eilers, E.J., Junker, R.R., Schnitzler, J.-P., Steppuhn, A., Unsicker, S.B., van Dam, N.M., Weisser, W.W., Wittmann, M.J. (2020) Ecology and evolution of intraspecific chemodiversity of plants. Research Ideas and Outcomes 6: e49810, doi: 10.3897/rio.6.e49810
- Lortzing V., Oberlaender J., Lortzing T; Toghe T.; Steppuhn A., Kunze R., Hilker M. (2019) Insect egg deposition renders plant defense against hatching larvae more effective in a salicylic acid dependent manner. Plant, Cell & Environment. doi:10.1111/pce.13447
- Drok, S., Bandoly, M., Stelzer, S., Lortzing, T. & Steppuhn*, A. (2018) Moth oviposition shapes the species-specific transcriptional and phytohormonal response of Nicotiana attenuata to larval feeding. Scientific Reports 8, 10249
- Geuss D., Lortzing L., Schwachtje, J., Kopka J., Steppuhn* A. (2018) Oviposition by Spodoptera exigua on Solanum dulcamara alters the plant's response to herbivory and impairs larval performance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19(12):
- Nguyen, D., Poeschl, Y., Lortzing, T., Hoogveld, R. Gogol-Döring, A., Cristescu, S., Steppuhn, A., Mariani, C., Rieu, I., van Dam, N. (2018) Interactive responses of Solanum dulcamara to drought and insect feeding are herbivore species-specific. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19(12): 3845
- Geuss, D. Stelzer, S., Lortzing, T. & Steppuhn*, A. (2017) An ovicidal response of Solanum dulcamara to insect oviposition. Plant, Cell & Environment. 40 (11), 2663-2677
- Lortzing, T., Firtzlaff, V., Nguyen, D., Rieu, I., Stelzer, S., Schad, M., Kallarackal, J. & Steppuhn*, A. (2017) Transcriptomic responses of Solanum dulcamara to natural and simulated herbivory. Molecular Ecology Resources 17 (6), e196-e211
- Hedtmann, C., Guo, W., Reifschneider, E., Heiber, I., Hiltscher, H., van Buer, J., Barsch, A., Niehaus, K., Rowan, B., Lortzing, T., Steppuhn, A. & Baier, M. (2017) The plant immunity regulating F-Box protein CPR1 supports plastid function in absence of pathogens. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8:1650
- Schäfer M, Brütting C, Xu S, Ling Z, Steppuhn A, Baldwin IT & Schuman MC (2017) NaMYB8 regulates distinct, optimally distributed herbivore defense traits. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 59 (12), 844-850
- Kafle, D., Hänel, A., Lortzing, T., Steppuhn, A. & Wurst, S. (2017) Sequential above- and belowground herbivory modifies plant responses depending on herbivore identity. BMC Ecology. 17:5
- Pappas, M.L., Broekgaarden, C., Broufas, G.D., Kant, M.R., Messelink, G.J., Steppuhn, A., Wäckers, F.L. & van Dam, N.M. (2017) Induced plant defences in biological control: a double-edged sword. Pest Management Science. 73(9): 1780-1788
- Lortzing, T. & Steppuhn*, A. (2016) Jasmonate signalling in plants shapes plant-insect interaction ecology. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 14: 32–39
- Lortzing, T., Calf, O.W., Böhlke, M., Schwachtje, J., Kopka, J., Geuss D., Kosanke, S. van Dam, N.M. & Steppuhn*, A. (2016) Plant-bleeding for defence: Extrafloral nectar secretion from wounds of Solanum dulcamara. Nature Plants 2(5): 16056
- Bandoly, M., Grichnik, R. Hilker, M. & Steppuhn*, A. (2016) Priming of anti-herbivore defence in Nicotiana attenuata by insect oviposition: Herbivore specific effects. Plant, Cell & Environment. 39(4): 848–859
- Bandoly, M. and Steppuhn*, A. (2016) Bioassays to investigate the effects of insect oviposition on a plant’s resistance to herbivores. BioProtocol. 6(11): e1823.
- Nguyen, D, D'Agostino, N, Tytgat, T.O., Sun, P, Lortzing, T., Visser, E.J., Cristescu, S.M., Steppuhn, A., Mariani, C., van Dam, N.M., and Rieu, I. (2016), Drought and flooding have distinct effects on herbivore-induced responses and resistance in Solanum dulcamara. Plant, Cell & Environment. 39(7): 485–1499.
- Pappas, M.L., Steppuhn, A. and Broufas, G.D. (2016): The role of phytophagy by predators in shaping plant interactions with their pests, Communicative & Integrative Biology, 9(2): e1145320
- Bandoly, M. and Steppuhn*, A. (2016) A push-button: Spodoptera exigua oviposition on Nicotiana attenuata dose-independently primes the feeding-induced plant defence. Plant, Signaling & Behavior. 11(1): e1114198
- Hilker M., Schwachtje J., Baier M., Balazadeh S., Bäurle I., Geiselhardt S., Hincha D.K., Kunze R., Mueller-Roeber B., Rillig M.C., Rolff J., Romeis T., Schmülling T., Steppuhn A., van Dongen J., Whitcomb S., Wurst S., Zuther E. and Kopka J. (2016). Priming and memory of stress responses in organisms lacking a nervous system. Biological Reviews. 91 (4): 1118–1133.
- Bandoly M., Hilker M., and Steppuhn* A. (2015) Oviposition by Spodoptera exigua on Nicotiana attenuata primes induced plant defense against larval herbivory. The Plant Journal 83: 661-672.
- Pappas M.L., Steppuhn A., Geuss D., Topalidou N., Zografou A., Sabelis M.W., Broufas, G.D. (2015) Beyond predation: The zoophytophagous predator Macrolophus pygmaeus induces tomato resistance against spider mites. PLOS ONE 10(5): e0127251.
- Kumar, P., Pandit, S.S., Steppuhn, A., and Baldwin, I.T. (2014) Natural history-driven, plant-mediated RNAi-based study reveals CYP6B46's role in a nicotine-mediated antipredator herbivore defense. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111(4): 1245-1252.
- Gaquerel E., Steppuhn A. & Baldwin I.T. (2012) Nicotiana attenuata alpha-DIOXYGENASE1 through its production of 2-hydroxylinolenic acid is required for intact plant defense expression against attack from Manduca sexta larvae. New Phytologist 196(2): 574-585.
- Steppuhn A., Gaquerel E. & Baldwin I.T. (2010) The two alpha-dox genes of Nicotiana attenuata: overlapping but distinct functions in development and stress responses. BMC Plant Biology 10: 171.
- Steppuhn A., Schuman M.C. & Baldwin I.T. (2008) Silencing jasmonate signalling and jasmonate-mediated defences reveals different survival strategies between two Nicotiana attenuata accessions. Molecular Ecology 17: 3717-3732.
- Steppuhn A. & Baldwin I.T. (2008) Induced Defenses and the Cost-Benefit Paradigm. In: Induced Plant Resistance to Herbivory (ed A. Schaller), pp. 61-83. Springer, Berlin.
- Steppuhn A. & Baldwin I.T. (2007) Resistance management in a native plant: nicotine prevents herbivores from compensating for plant protease inhibitors. Ecology Letters 10(6): 499-511.
- Roda A., Halitschke R., Steppuhn A. & Baldwin I.T. (2004) Individual variability in herbivore-specific elicitors from the plant's perspective. Molecular Ecology 13(8): 2421-2433.
- Steppuhn A., Gase K., Krock B., Halitschke R. & Baldwin I.T. (2004) Nicotine's defensive function in nature. PLOS Biology 2(8): 1074-1080.
- Steppuhn A. & Wäckers F.L. (2004) HPLC sugar analysis reveals the nutritional state and the feeding history of parasitoids. Functional Ecology 18(6): 812-819.
- Steidle J.L.M., Steppuhn A. & Ruther J. (2003) Specific foraging kairomones used by a generalist parasitoid. Journal of Chemical Ecology 29(1): 131-143.
- Wäckers F.L. & Steppuhn A. (2003) Characterizing nutritional state and food source use of parasitoids collected in fields with high and low nectar availability. IOBC WPRS Bulletin 26 (4): 203-208.
- Steidle J.L.M., Steppuhn A. & Ruther J. (2002) The use of pheromones as foraging kairomones by the generalist parasitoid Lariophagus distinguendus Förster (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie 13: 377-380.
- Steidle J.L.M., Steppuhn A. & Reinhard J. (2001) Volatile cues from different host complexes used for host location by the generalist parasitoid Lariophagus distinguendus (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Basic and Applied Ecology 2(1): 45-51.